" Thirty Years a Watch Tower Slave" is not excactly a great work of literature,to put it diplomatically.
Certainly, if I was a "still in" JW and reading that for the first time, it would have motivated me not at all.
If there is such a thing as the proverbial "hate-spewing bitter apostate", then Schnell would have to be it. (Either that, or he did a bloody good job of acting the part of such a personage!)
As to what happened to W. Schnell:
-admittedly this is hearsay, but I was told in the early 1980s that he had recently died "in a psychiatric hospital."
Of course, to the JWs who passed on this news, the location of his death somehow completely negated everything he had written in "Thirty Years a Watchtower Slave."
My greatest criticism of this work is its lack of documentary evidence to back up Schnell's claims and accusations. Anybody can get up and say anything, but proving it is another matter. This is particularly important when the writer is obviously bitter in the extreme. That, coupled with the complete lack of documentary evidence to their claims does make you wonder as to the accuracy of some of their more extreme statements.
(A Japanese proverb goes something like this "If you are starting to believe everything that is written, then it is time you gave up reading!")
Interestingly, W.C. Stevenson, in his 1967 work on JWs "1975 - Year of Doom", held Schnell's work in low esteem. (As well as having held such positions as "Circuit Servant" while a JW, Stevenson had also majored in English at one of the Oxbridge universities in England. He therefore would have had a fair idea of what constitutes a good work of literature - and of what constitutes something indifferent).